A Family of Faith


Welcome from the Faith Formation Director

Welcome to our 2024-2025 school year. A Family of Faith is our primary Catechesis program at Sacred Heart for grades K-8. The goals of this program are to encourage and equip parents to live and teach your children the Catholic Faith within your domestic churches. You will be provided with all the knowledge and tools you need to enliven your faith within your home!

I will be leading a monthly “Parent Meeting” to go over the specific plan for each month and to provide parents the necessary knowledge to teach their children. During this time, the children will also go into the classroom to ensure that the information from the lessons are being understood, and to touch base on how the practices in the home are effecting their spiritual lives. At the end of the month, there is a “Community Meeting” where the parents and their children come together and participate in activities with the other families in our parish.

This is not merely a program to educate children with Catechism memorization, it is a program to help children develop an authentic relationship with God. It is designed to help children (and parents!) fall in love with our Lord through everyday faith practices.

I hope all parents will take advantage of this great opportunity to grow in faith with your children as you journey toward heaven!

~ Aaron Croxford (Director of Religious Education)

Why is Family Faith Formation Important?

families are engaged

With A Family of Faith, families come together regularly — growing in relationship with one another and learning the truths of the Catholic Faith and how to apply them in their lives. In the parish and at home parents and children have the opportunity to build strong relationships through discussion and reflection on topics that matter in their lives.

They Learn to Follow Jesus

As families continue to come together to learn about the life of Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the Catholic Faith, they desire to know Him better. The home becomes the place of deep learning as families desire to follow Jesus more closely. Families are introduced to the spiritual treasures of the home, the domestic church. Parents can learn and share with their children practices such as grace before meals, reading and praying with Scripture, and learning about the lives of the saints. All these are included in the monthly Our Catholic Home feature.

It builds the Domestic Church

As parents and children engage in discussion about what they are learning, spiritual curiosity is awakened and families desire to deepen in their understanding. Each month, parents have the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities and discussion that they can do as a family to explore the concepts that are taught in each lesson. Younger children might learn through the experience of coloring one of the beautiful illustrations while older children might meditate on the Scripture.

Families using A Family of Faith attend Mass regularly, learn and practice prayers together, and engage in spiritual conversations at home, helping them to grow in holiness!

A Family of Faith - Curriculum

Year 2: The Sacraments

  • September: The Role of Parents in Education

  • October: What Is a Sacrament?

  • November: Sacraments of Initiation

  • December: Confirmation

  • January: The Eucharist, The Mass

  • February: Sacraments of Healing

  • March: Anointing of the Sick

  • April: Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony

  • May: Sacraments Jeopardy

Year 4: Christian Prayer

  • September: The Role of Parents in Education

  • October: What is Prayer?

  • November: Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray

  • December: Prayer and the Our Father

  • January: Prayer and the Holy Spirit

  • February: The Prayer of the Virgin Mary

  • March: Praying with Scripture and Expressions of Prayer

  • April: Prayer as Spiritual Battle

  • May: Prayer Castle Game

Year 1: The Creed (CURRENT YEAR)

  • September: The Role of Parents in Education

  • October: What is Faith, Who is God

  • November: Created in God's Image

  • December: Annunciation, Immaculate Conception

  • January: Who is Jesus

  • February: Paschal Mystery

  • March: The Holy Spirit

  • April: Marks of the Church and the
    Communion of Saints

  • May: The Way of the Creed

Year 3: Life in Christ

  • September: The Role of Parents in Education

  • October: Heaven: Our Final Destination

  • November: Conscience: God's Law in our Hearts

  • December: Cardinal and Theological Virtues

  • January: The First Great Commandment and the First Four Commandments

  • February: The 5th-10th Commandments

  • March: The New Commandment and the Works of Mercy

  • April: The Beatitudes

  • May: Journey to Heaven

Click here to register your family for A Family of Faith!


Does A Family of Faith replace faith formation or religious education classes?

Yes, aside from any necessary classes for sacramental preparation (i.e., First Communion/Confirmation classes).  A Family of Faith is an alternative to the typical religious education class model. We believe that this program is better suited to provide true spiritual formation to the children, while being formed intellectually in the process.

What if I don't know the Faith very well or even know how to teach?

A Family of Faith is completely turn-key (ready to operate) for parents, giving you the easy-to-understand content and step-by-step instructions for each activity, helping you to gain knowledge of the Faith and confidence as you teach it. Various tools are also available to help parents turn potentially problematic situations into successes, such as what to do when a child asks a question you do not know.

Shouldn't the religious education of children be left to the parish?

Since the current faith formation and religious education model is struggling to transform family life, and since many young people who go through faith formation are leaving the faith, we are following a new model (which is actually an ancient model) where the parish focuses on catechizing the parents in order to strengthen parent/child engagement in the Faith. This increases the likelihood that a child will receive an authentic education in the Faith and develop into a knowledgeable and practicing Catholic. Countless studies have shown that parental engagement with the child is the single most effective way to develop young people into disciples of Christ.

Is there a lot of work involved for me? MY life is already busy as it is.

No. There are two lessons to teach each month, along with a variety of family and child activities. Each lesson should take no more than 30-45 minutes to complete, and requires minimal preparation on the part of the parent. We only ask that you attend our monthly parent meeting to touch base on how things are going, and to be equipped with a basic understanding of the material to be taught.

What are the age ranges for which this program was designed?

Because this program focuses on teaching the faith to parents and helping them make it an organic part of family life, it is perfect for parents with children of all ages. For example, a monthly feature called “Your Catholic Home” gives specific advice for ways to make the Faith a regular part of each day. The Children’s Activity Books are for children grades K-8, and features engaging activities at various grade levels. Parents can skip those activities that they believe are too elementary or too advanced for their child.

Does my child have to be a strong reader?

No. Although readings and written activities are offered, the Children’s Activity Book and Parent's Guide offer a wide variety of activities using numerous strategies to impart and assess knowledge that do not rely on reading or writing.

How does the program handle sacramental preparation?

A Family of Faith does not treat the Sacraments as isolated events and is not designed to serve as preparation for receiving the Sacraments. Students grow in their spiritual journey through regular activities with their parents, prayer, Mass attendance, and participation in parish life. Sacred Heart uses Signs of Grace for First Communion preparation and Decision Point for Confirmation preparation.

How will I know my children are learning?

You will undoubtedly see your children learn as they memorize Scripture verses and are able to define key words of our Catholic Faith. Children will demonstrate in conversation their understanding of concepts of the Faith, and you will see them begin to live their Faith through service projects, an enriched prayer life, and a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ. The child’s desire to know, love, and serve Jesus is proof that they are learning and becoming a disciple of Christ. The Director of Faith Formation will also make time to meet with each family by the end of the year to review what they have learned and how they have developed in their domestic church.

Additional Questions?

Contact Aaron Croxford in the Parish Office or via email (aaron@sacredheartkf.org) with any other questions you may have regarding this program.