The following groups plan and serve in the liturgy, sacraments, and traditional devotions:

  • Liturgical Committee - Helps plan Masses and services quarterly or seasonally. 

  • Acolytes - Assists celebrant during the Mass and in the procession.

  • Altar Servers - Assists at the altar by fetching, carrying, ringing the altar bell, etc. 

  • Altar Society - Maintains and supplies the necessities of the altar and sanctuary.

  • Lectors (Readers) - Proclaims the Scripture readings during the Mass (except the Gospel readings)

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Assists the priest in distributing communion. 

  • Choir/Music  - Leads the congregation in song through Sacred music of the Mass. 

  • Ushers/Greeters - Welcomes, helps seat parishioners and visitors, and collects the offering. 

  • Devotions (First Friday/Benediction/Divine Mercy/Rosaries) - Helps lead devotional prayers.

If you would like to offer your time and talent for the Worship team, please fill out the form below. 

worship volunteer form