Children's Ministry (Grades Pre K - 8)


Welcome to Religious Education! 

I am very excited for this upcoming school year as we have many exciting opportunities to learn and grow in our church community and in building a deeper relationship with Christ. At Sacred Heart, we value a full parish experience which includes parents, children, and the family as a whole. I have received a lot of great feedback this past year and am looking forward to providing opportunities that best meet the needs of your family, and meeting you where you are at in your faith journey. It is our hope that you take full advantage of our programs this year, as they were all chosen with you in mind. I am personally thankful for this great privilege to serve all of you and to grow in faith with you and your families!

In Christ,

Paul Chutikorn - Director of Faith Formation

How can my child be a part of this adventure?


1.  Register your child in Religious Education

Where you might ask?  Registration forms can be found by clicking the button above.  They are also available in the office and in the vestibule of the church. 

2.  Bring them to class.  Parents bring your child to the class room and sign him/her in.  Classes will remain on Sunday mornings and start time will remain at 11:00AM but the classrooms will be open for children at 10:45AM.  Please have you children there BEFORE the 11AM start time.  This helps to minimize disruption.  The first Sunday’s are late start of 11:15AM.  We encourage families to come enjoy breakfast cooked by the Knights of Columbus after the 9:30AM Mass. 

3.  Pick your child up and ask them what they learned. Parents come in and sign your child out of their classroom.  Dismissal, again this year will be from the classrooms at 12:15PM.  Parents MUST come in and sign their child in before class and come in and sign their child out after class.  The extended classroom time enables us to be in compliance with Diocesan requirements & allow our students ample time for learning.

First Communion and Confirmation preparation will begin after the first of the year only for students who have been attending Religious Education/Youth Group on a regular basis (approx. 75%) for two years (start this year in RE/Youth Group to be eligible for Confirmation 2021).