2020 Sacred Heart Eucharistic Mission
Please join us for this year’s Eucharistic Mission where Catholic Answers apologist, Karlo Broussard, walks us through Church teaching on the Eucharist, the historical basis for these teachings, how to respond to Protestant objections to the Eucharist, and the real evidence for the true presence of Christ through verified miracles!
This Lenten Eucharistic Mission is sure to draw you closer to Christ in the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of the Christian life!
“This is my Body” Understanding Jesus’ Words at the Last Supper
March 19th @ 6:30pm
· What the Catholic Church teaches about the doctrine of the Eucharist and how non-Catholic views differ from the Catholic belief
· The reasons to believe that Jesus intended these words to be taken in a literal way
· In light of which Old Testament events Jesus intended us to interpret his words
· How to answer Protestant objections to the Catholic interpretation of Jesus’ command to “eat my flesh” and “drink my blood” in John 6.
“What the Early Church Believed about the Eucharist”
March 20th @ 6:30pm (begins with Mass)
· What St. Paul taught about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
· What the Christians in the first four centuries believed about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
· How to answer Protestant attempts to show that the early Christians didn’t believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
“Eucharistic Miracles” Evidence of the Real Presence
March 21st @ 6:30pm
· Which miracles in the Old and New Testaments God intended to help us understand the miraculous nature of the Eucharist.
· A survey of the most profound eucharistic miracles on record.
It is recommended to attend all three talks, but it is not required.
Karlo Broussard - Catholic Answers Apologist
Karlo Broussard, a native of Crowley, Louisiana, left a promising musical career to devote himself full-time to the work of Catholic apologetics. For more than a decade he has traveled the country teaching apologetics, biblical studies, theology, and philosophy. Karlo has published articles on a variety of subjects in Catholic Answers Magazine, is a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live, and is an active blogger at catholic.com.
Karlo holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in theology from Catholic Distance University and the Augustine Institute, and a graduate degree in philosophy from Holy Apostles College and Seminary. He also worked for several years in an apprenticeship with nationally known author and theologian Fr. Robert J. Spitzer at the Magis Center of Reason and Faith.
Karlo is one of the most dynamic and gifted Catholic speakers on the circuit today, communicating with precision of thought, a genuine love for God, and an enthusiasm that inspires.
Karlo resides in Murrieta, CA with his wife and four children. You can view Karlo’s online videos at KarloBroussard.com.